What does a member of a youth movement conducting unconventional moves for the function of the home front in wartime, a soldier participating in the integrative operational adoption of an anti-aircraft system and being chosen as an eminent soldier, an assistant CEO of one of the largest insurance groups who is leading innovations in reinsurance and an attorney who conducts novel, innovative moves all have in common?

What they all have in common is the main characteristic of my career: the ability to crack and simplify complex problems based on creativity that allows one to apply solutions from one field to other fields.

I am a self-employed attorney, holding a license to practice law since 1987, and operate uniquely in fields that represent a fusion of legal complexity, entrepreneurship, business development and taxation. The spectrum of solutions that I have provided over the years includes legal services, mainly in the civil-commercial field, labor law and litigation, to investment banking services, in a range of fields and territories.


  • L.L.B. in Law, Tel Aviv University (1986).

  • B.A. in economics and political science, University of Haifa (1984).


  • License to practice law, including as a notary public.

  • Listed in the EBRD advisers pool.

  • Listed in the pool of outside advisers of Israel’s Government Companies Authority.

  • Listed in the EBRD outside advisers for borrowers and lenders pool.


  • Hebrew (mother tongue)

  • English (high level)

  • French (good level).

Prominent examples include:

  • Innovative, unique models in the financing field for transactions and activities, worth tens of millions of dollars, and conducting unique litigation.

  • Planning and coping with complex taxation issues, including national insurance.

  • Leading legal and business efforts to cope with economic crisis, while forming abstract assets, such as selling a judgment against a debt, and extracting tenants from a national outline project that stalled before it was built and finding a solution among partners in the entrepreneur group.

  • Key functions in leading projects, from concept to exit, including due diligence and negotiations. Projects have included: military procurement for a foreign country, a green radioactive factory, establishing a diamond mining apparatus, developing an emerald mine marketing system and developing startup projects worth tens of millions of dollars.

  • Trusts as a tool for solutions for transactions and/or investment processes, including performing them as a board member and chairman.

  • Finding, overseeing and leading professional teams (attorneys, accountants and other professionals) for promoting activities in various countries.

  • In addition, since 1991 I have been providing legal and economic advice on a voluntary basis and have lectured Israeli Air Force career personnel in IAF Service Welfare Branch, including assessment of and

  • Consultation for civil problems (without the military system being involved), such as forming action plans for establishing budgets for real estate purchases, coping with economic difficulties and more.